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your time is up October 25, 2008

Posted by superditoes in celebration.
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Congratulations for SBM-ITB graduates 2008, who finally made it through after 3 years of long and winding journey! i may not be your biggest fan, due to several personal reasons, but for whatever it is that does not stop the fact that you guys have earned it to have your degree. For those who have not graduated, i wish you all a good luck, so that you guys could finish your study as soon as possible, hopefully in March.

So long seniors, and best wishes for all of you in your real life. Don’t think too much of your campus life, it is over, hopefully the next time i heard from you guys, you will be making Indonesia much better in the future and hope you will remember your promises, when you first came up to this universities.

“Bakti kami untukmu Tuhan, Bangsa, Almamater, Merdeka!”

The ego has landed October 2, 2008

Posted by superditoes in celebration.
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Mau gak mau, suka gak suka. tapi yang pasti harus ikhlas. Mohon Maaf lahir bathin yaa. Saatnya kembali ke fitri. Maaf atas segala kekhilafan yang pernah dibuat penulis, after all its mistakes that makes us human.

Selamat Idul fitri 1429 H