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The Thing about Biology October 6, 2008

Posted by superditoes in life phylosophy, life story.
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This has happened to me in highschool sometimes ago. i HATE biology, i never like it. Since the 1st year of junior high school i always got score not only below 7, but most of the time ( 9 out of 10, perhaps) i always got below 6. It seems that no matter how hard i study biology, i always got bad marks. At certain moment i lose hope, until i decided not to study at all cost because no matter how i study, i will get bad marks anyway. this things continue until 3rd year of high school (yes, it was almost 6 year time)

Nah, celakanya taun terakhir di SMA yang jadi wali kelas adalah guru biologi gw sendiri, namanya bu Puji. (sug, apakabar ya rambutnya dia? masih direbonding ga ya?) eniwei, ga mungkin dong wali kelas lo guru biologi dan lo dapet jelek di pelajaran biologi, bisa dipindahin duduk depan gw. Jadi diputuskanlah, gw usaha buat belajar biologi. Hasilnya? gw sempet bebas remed untuk 3 apa 4 bulan gitu buat biologi, sampe sekalinya gw remedial, tiba2 bu Puji heran, loh kok kamu tumben remedial?

Then i remember, there is actually nothing certain in this world.
Time to put a side worries about uncertainty.