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big thing from little nation January 5, 2009

Posted by superditoes in life story.
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Emerging as one of the big and upcoming nation ever since its independence, Singapore has successfully lived to its hype and never look back, while the rest of south-Asia are trying hard to catch Singapore in terms of standard of living, economics, wealth, etc. I started my admiration for this little nation long time ago, but then what keeps me amazed was when recently I started the discussion with sugi about the nation where he study. I’m saying how Singapore is a good role model for every country; many smart people in Indonesia tend to go to Singapore for study now, as also for living. Then sugi says, it went down to lee kuan yew, because once upon a time, lee kuan yew says, we don’t have natural resources in Singapore, what we have is people, let’s martyr them. In some way that sounds harsh, but when you look it even further, it shows how although they are having constraints in terms of resources they do not whine or even jealous with other country, instead they keep on moving forward. But then, many would argue their success is because the smallness of area, Indonesia is much more bigger and larger meaning the problem is bigger and also larger, ah I forgot there we go again make the whining, how will we go to the top and beat Singapore if I keep this whining.


wake up call January 4, 2009

Posted by superditoes in life story.
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It was a long and tiring road coming back from Bandung, at Sunday morning. It was me, erik, dennis, and Minul after the so called dies natalis. Then what was the big story morning glory until I have to waste my time on writing this blog? I was supposed to go down in citos, but then I changed my mind and would like to go down in lebak bulus. After going down on the highway in front of citos, we need to stop because it says red light. Moments after, BRAK! Such a nuisance noise, even denis who was sleeping all the way was awake along with Eric who fell a slept moment before, then we have this view of motorcycle crushed down along with the person. What shocked us is that the person is not moving a bit! While the motorcycle was badly damaged, the silence was broken when minul said, he must have been dead.

I didn’t see clearly what happen, all I knew there was a car slowing down after the accident, then we conclude that it was the car which crashed the motorcycle, and we found out that the person who drove the car was a teenager that perhaps was younger than me. All I could say was WTF inside my heart, I mean imagine, what did that motorcycle rider dreamt when he about to rode until he was hit like that? Death is inevitable, it could happen just about any time. It does not matter you are black or white, rich or poor, male or female, we all will have that faith. And when you have seen the life defining moment like that, will you still stand to your ego and keep believing on your selves?


walk and stop December 27, 2008

Posted by superditoes in life story.
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It’s been a dream holiday for me, although I have yet met few people, but then the people that I already met, already makes me happy. But anyway, after some random going around-nowhere-to-go today, this thing keeps bothering me, the looks of children living in the street, watching others who, perhaps according to them are their dream, passed by. Then I stop thinking of what I want after I finished eating at that time, the thoughts of okay I want a new jacket, clothes, stop at the moment while also asking do I satisfied at the moment? I answered no, I still want them.

Having the thoughts of stay hungry, is good, because according to steve jobs then we need to have that, but then until what extent we have to stay hungry and start cherishing? There are lots of arguments, upon one another, and I believe both of them are important. Then I believe one of the beautiful quotes that I take from ah I forgot, hopefully it says something like this,

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”

ahh. It makes me remember to cherishing again, I haven’t cherish this day, although it’s been really exciting for me, I guess it’s time to pray, ah yeah don’t worry for those that I sent message today, it’s not a lip service, I mean it and I do remember that semua bakal ada masanya kok, dan sekarang adalah masanya berdoa dan tidur kali yeeeeeeeeeeee.


open challenge December 14, 2008

Posted by superditoes in life story.
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It was 13 of December, and there was it the day that, mm well at least i have been waiting for over a few days. The Mckinsey campus presentation. First impression, they serve us well, showed by how they welcome us, with food and beverages. Next thing, the presentation. I would go on and could spend over the next 2 pages just explaining what Mckinsey people told me there, but then again that is not the extra-ordinary here.

What shook me is they know how to take the cream of the crop from every part of the world and make them the best in business, call me full of bullshit but numbers could not lie. there is more than 100 CEO that generates over than 1 billion us dollar per month, who was once worked in Mckinsey, showing just how capable they are to make people. that is one.

Two, the recruitment process, ignore the GPA part, but IF we pass that round, and advance to the next round, then we will be prepared by them to take the interview, showing just how they want us to be ready for the interview. as if it not enough, they told me the dream of mine, currently one of their employee is going to go to get the MBA in harvard. holyyy shiiiitttttttttt.i don’t know how you guys think, but me? i am tempted, hell yeah.

uh-oh, by the way, there was one thing that encourages me, the competition, there are many people who wants to go in, including the so called masyhur aziz hilmy hahaha sorry syhur i write your name here, for those who does not know, you may google, and you will find lots of story about him. If a name, that does not written by himself, appear in google. then you may conclude of how capable is he. so i highly encourage you guys to take part and join the recruitment, although i would not guarantee my self to be in there, but at least i believe this will give us a lot of new experience.  eniwei pardon my bad writing at this post, because i am very sleepy yet still have the passion to write. adios

the so called 2008 December 10, 2008

Posted by superditoes in life story.
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Less than 20 days to go, then we will reached the end of 2008 when another year will passed by. you name it, i have lots of story to tell at this year from the hilarious one until the cloudiest story. in this post, I will sum up my year on monthly basis. people may ask, what is so good about reminding the past? as we are living in the present and for the future, but sometimes memory will never be gone and also it is you in the past that makes you in the present. so put your silly questions behind, and let me start my stories:

January- Early of the year. mmm let me see, what do i have this month? okay, i have golf tournament. The event which successfully generate around 1 billion Rupiah. highlights of the event of course the miscommunication which leads to the un-successful auction. Me, and franky share the burden that Bayu felt. It was the pre-ibe, pre-HNMUN, and Golf tournament. Meaning that i have no holiday at that time.

February-Living the american dream! aaah, it was so damn good at this month. due to the fact that i visited the center of all nations, America and not to forget the most up-dated town in the face of New york, also the university that everyone has been dreaming ever since they knew america, MIT and Harvard. In simple, Astonishing. Not to mention that it was snow at that time, which makes it even cool-er in many ways.

March-mmmm let see, my brother is having his birthday at this month as well as someone which i do not know yet. but eniwei, that was not the main story. errr if you forcing me to recall then this is the month, where i decided to start a new phase of life hahahaha to have a life on my own. end of story, would not elaborate anymore.

April-haha the birthday of the craziest, in literal, people. Me and Jessi have the chance to make recording of people that ever been part of her life, which then i knew it was a loootttt hahaha. another milestones, ummm guess its too hard to recall even further. but let me try it again. guess this is one of the main reason why i should do review each month, because or else i would end up forget what happen.

end of this part. emmm, i am too hungry too continue my writing, therefore i call it the day for this writing. but then, i will keep on continuing this before 2008 come to an end. ciao!

auoauoauo October 24, 2008

Posted by superditoes in life story.
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“I don’t feel like talkin’, talkin’
Even if I find nothing better to do
Don’t feel like talkin’, talkin’
Why’d you break it down when i’m not in the mood?
Don’t feel like talkin’, talkin’
I’d rather be home till dawn with you”

-Revising out of Scissor Sisters

The Thing about Biology October 6, 2008

Posted by superditoes in life phylosophy, life story.
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This has happened to me in highschool sometimes ago. i HATE biology, i never like it. Since the 1st year of junior high school i always got score not only below 7, but most of the time ( 9 out of 10, perhaps) i always got below 6. It seems that no matter how hard i study biology, i always got bad marks. At certain moment i lose hope, until i decided not to study at all cost because no matter how i study, i will get bad marks anyway. this things continue until 3rd year of high school (yes, it was almost 6 year time)

Nah, celakanya taun terakhir di SMA yang jadi wali kelas adalah guru biologi gw sendiri, namanya bu Puji. (sug, apakabar ya rambutnya dia? masih direbonding ga ya?) eniwei, ga mungkin dong wali kelas lo guru biologi dan lo dapet jelek di pelajaran biologi, bisa dipindahin duduk depan gw. Jadi diputuskanlah, gw usaha buat belajar biologi. Hasilnya? gw sempet bebas remed untuk 3 apa 4 bulan gitu buat biologi, sampe sekalinya gw remedial, tiba2 bu Puji heran, loh kok kamu tumben remedial?

Then i remember, there is actually nothing certain in this world.
Time to put a side worries about uncertainty.

dedicated to sugie September 23, 2008

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Jadi abis  buka blog-nya si sugie, emang sih udah lama ga diapdet sama doi tapi gile gw tetep ngakak baca postingannya yang udah-udah. begitu baca, gw cuma ga abis pikir. ko ada yah orang kaya gini di dunia macam ini? hahahaha take that as a compliment. sumpah tapi ini orang ajaib banget dah, jadi buat semua yg penasaran siapa sih dia. nama aslinya tuh Aldian Salim. Sebenernya doi ini temen gw dari smp dulu, tapi kita baru deket waktu sma gara-gara dia chairmate gw. intinya sih abis itu kita deket banget, beh udah kaya perangko banget disekolah ahahha udah kek homo ya gw? beh, tapi yg bikin gw amazed sama nih orang tuh dia ga pernah berhenti buat tersenyum. gile kalo ada wise word yg bilang senyum adalah bagian dari ibadah. buset dia ibadahnya banyak bgt, blom lagi yg bikin orang laen tersenyum. ni orang gebelgnya setengah mati, suka ngelawak-ngelawak gak penting.  dia yg mempopulerkan istilah biang di tempat gw.
wah yg paling gw inget adalah waktu tryout matematik, tmen sebangku nasib sama masa haha. ceritanya waktu itu dia dipanggil dulu gara-gara nilai tryoutnya jelek, gw udah ketawa-ketawa dong abis si doi ko bisa gebleg gitu, terus skalian ngibur gitu. eh ternyata ga lama kemudian, gw juga dipanggil sama gurunya. ga tanggung-tanggung dia ketawa lebih puas dari gw, sial haahha dan itu cuma ada 6 apa 7 orang yg nilainya segitu diangkatan hahaha. wah lo boleh tanya betapa geblegnya dia ke semua tmen seangkatan, tapi gitu-gitu tuh orang determinasinya luar biasa. buktinya dia bisa lolos ke smu, sementara gw berujung di sbm hahaha. its really nice to know that kind of person. The last premises gw dan dia adalah buat nanti kita untuk reunian di wall street. ayo sug, lets battle our way to the top!

5 taun lagi jadi apa? September 20, 2008

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sebenernya ga harus 5 taun sih, bisa aja 6 ato 7 bahkan 10 kalo gw mau. cuma kepikirannya segitu, udah ah bukan angkanya yg penting. tapi ya itu tadi, 5 taun lagi bakal jadi apa ya gw? masih ga ya jadi dito yang selalu dateng di setiap ada makan gratis, dito yang suka nongkrongin komputer sampe berjam-jam, dito yang selalu menunda-nunda pekerjaan? coba ya kalo gw roll back time, 5 years ago. yang artinya gw diumur 14 taun menuju 15 taun, saat itu gw ga heboh2 amet ttg gratisan kaya sekarang, terus maen komputer ga ya? oo waktu itu iyaaa. jamannya ceting2an terus juga maen video game yg heboh banget, ga sih sebenernya maen dota, oh terus gw jg demen baca komik tsubasa waktu itu! ini sama banget sampe skarang! gw masih baca eyeshield lah naruto lah. teruuss juga ya sama, gw suka nunda pekerjaan.

klo diliat dr keterangan diatas kalo gw bgini2 aja ga nyadar ada yg salah dengan itu semua, maka yaudah bisa dipastikan 5 taun lagi gw bakal makin heboh ttg makan gratis, yg berarti gw bakal sering dateng ke acara kawinan ato ulangtaun tmen2 gw. terus maen dota yang mungkin nanti mapnya udah 10.4b kali ya? dan baca komik yg judulnya eyeshield 50 kali ya? ato pricnce of football nanti kalo ada. dan tetep nunggu last minute sampe baru ngerjain kerjaan hahahahaha gila deh to, to. ko gw hidup monoton mulu ya, 5 taun berlalu dan masih hal yang sama. mungkin saatnya merubah pola hidup kali ya untuk hidup ke arah yang lebih baik hahahahah masa iya 5 taun dari sekarang disaat mestinya gw mikir tgl brapa yg bagus buat nikah, tp gw masih sibuk di dpan komputer hahahah

Canisius at its best September 5, 2008

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hari jumat kmaren, tanggal 29 Agustus 2008 ada makan-makan almamater sma di warung pasta yg dpan itb situ. jadi sebagai gambaran, almamater sma gw, kanisius, setiap masuk tahun ajaran baru punya kebiasaan gitu, angkatan yg baru masuk itb ngebuat acara makan-makan untuk alumni kanisius yang udah ada di itb , tempatnya terserah dan nantinya mereka bakal nanggung biayanya, yah tapi klo emang gede banget angkatan diatasnya jg bakal ikut nombokin sih, for us its two thing that we care, makan gratis dan bertemu sesama canisian hehehe.

jadi rundown acara disitu kita bakal makan-makan dulu sambil ketawa-ketawa sama yg laen, melepas rindu, ngata-ngatain tiko dan cina seperti dulu kala hahaha teruss selesai itu mulai bagian yang sedikit serius, anak-anak yg baru masuk itb bakal ngenalin diri, dimulai dari ketua angkatannya, yang kebetulan taun ini adalah ezra. abis itu dimulai secara beruntun ke angkatan bawahnya, sampe angkatan paling senior yg ada di itb. tahun ini yg paling senior diwakilin sama anak2 sipil 2004, yang cuma 4 orang dan 2005 ga ada. jd bs dibilang sih, ini waktunya 2006 hehehe. ya abis kenalan itu, si angkatan baru ini minta saran dan wejangan lah buat mereka, setelah 2004 ngasih wejangan, kebagian lah yaa gw ikut ngomong, secara dr waktu itu ditunjuk jd wakil angkatan cuma gara-gara gw satu-satunya yg masuk sbm, hal yg sama yg terjadi di ciyo hahahah. ya udahlah ya, ga penting itu. terus yg paling gw seneng bagian terakhir, setelah bayar-bayar pastinya. kita kumpul di dpan restoran terus bernyanyi mars kanisius, tp berhubung kemaren deket itb terus timbul ide buat nyanyiin di itb aja, dket indonesia tenggelam, tp berhubung ada forsil disitu akhirnya dipindahin jd yg ke dket cc situ, abis itu kita nyanyi mars kanisius. beeh, rasanya tuh bergetar aja gitu hati waktu denger lagu itu gw nyanyiin, gila ini satu hal yg dari dulu gw hargai banget. ini membuat lo semakin bangga jadi canisian deh klo nyanyi itu hahaha. basically itu sih acara yg gw lakuin kemaren, mungkin buat kebanyakan orang it sounds usual but for us it is unusual.

Klo ditanya sespesial apa sih kanisius sampe ko kayanya gw heboh banget, repot rasanya harus mulai darimana, klo ditanya gitu bakal sangat susah untuk memulai dan juga mengakhirnya hehehe secara there are lots of things that makes me very proud of it. tadinya gw berpikir cuma gw doang yg berpikir begini doang mengenai kanisius, tapi waktu itu damar pernah cerita, jadi dia ketemu dika, sipil 2004. jadi katanya mereka lagi ngobrol2, terus tiba2 ngomongin tentang kanisius, tiba2 aja dika tuh ngomongnya beda sama cerita2 dia sebelomnya, auranya langsung kerasa beda aja dan keliatan banget klo dika bangga sama kanisius, sesuatu hal yg damar notice banget itu hahahaha. tuh kan see, bahkan bukan gw doang yg memang proud of it, semua yg pernah menjadi bagian dari kanisius pasti bangga dan merasa sebagai canisian hingga saat ini.moreover, sangat susah menggambarkan bagaimana hubungan satu sama lain, tapi yang jelas.

“we are not bestfriends, we are family